Doors, frames, and hardware direct to your business or through a general contractor!
Opening Specialists will continually expand our services to new markets and strive to provide our customers with the best possible commercial openings’ hardware products and service, at a fair and competitive price, to enable a fair profit to be returned to the company to maintain a solid foundation for company stability and growth, and to ensure the continued wellbeing of our employees.
Whether an existing opening is experiencing the effects of aging or a new installation is not functioning as desired, we will assist in the repair or replacement of the worn or malfunctioning item.
We will work with the owners, design professionals, and builders in the process of providing the most cost effective solutions to the problems associated with each project's unique total openings requirements.
Opening Specialists is prepared to assist the design professional, builder, or owner in assessing and providing the building project's security needs both during and after the construction process.
We have committed ourself to working with manufacturers who are currently supplying products of recognized high quality, who have consistently shown an ability and a desire to maintain those products after the sale, and who have shown a continuous effort toward improving existing products and developing newer, technologically superior products.